Saturday, February 6, 2010

Saturday, Snow, Snowmen and Sun

What a perfect winter day. We rounded-up some of the kids, got our snow clothes on, hooked up the sled to the four wheeler and played in the snow for hours. The girls cleaned up the icicles in the back, where we have huge drifts by now and Dalton appears around the corner on the four wheeler to tackle the drifts in the back yard. It turned out to be very warm and perfect snowman making snow and with some help from my kids we got the snow version of the grandkids with Grandma and Grandpa. If you look close we have grandpa's arm around Grandma, real carrot noses and 11 grandkid snowmen all in front and one little baby snowman on the green blanket on the cute little snowball seat. Kitty is sitting with the little baby snowman. We gave Grandpa and the two boy snowmen some twigs for hair.
It took us about 2 hours to get everything made and toward the end the temperature had gone way up and the snowmen were loosing their carrot noses and rock eyes. So we had to hurry and get a picture. The silly kids gave Grandma and Grandpa a sweet kiss while Maddie holds the baby snowman. So once there was a snowman and in the sun they melted. It was super fun while it lasted, even though we got sweaty in our snow clothes and got soaked from the melting snow. The kids rode the four-wheeler all over the field pulling the sled. Grandpa said they really messed up the field, it was nice and smooth now it looks like a freeway! They also have some big snowdrifts that they ride on around the house.

So even though we were warm we had to have hot chocolate with squirt cream on top. As Grandpa would say, "I don't want you guys having any fun now."

Well we did anyway.

1 comment:

Jill said...

What a fun party, sad we missed that. We didn't get any snow this weekend.